
Welcome to IM13, the Informatics Multimedia Showcase brought to you by students from the University of Huddersfield.

What is the IM13 Showcase?

IM13 Showcases an exciting mix of design and technical skills from students studying in the School of Computing and Engineering within the Digital Media subject area.

The event has a diverse range of projects to view and interact with, from online and offline applications through to visual design and graphic exhibitions. All of the works exhibited are examples from the most recent projects undertaken by students studying either Interactive Multimedia BA (Hons) or Web Technologies BSc (Hons).

How are students assessed?

Undertaking projects both independently and as team efforts, we have been inspired to consider the wider implications of our creative development and take on board new and innovative methods whilst pushing our abilities to develop high end products fit for purpose. Students have related their projects to real world situations and in most cases have worked with industry clients to gather and implement feedback.

Who's Invited?

Whether you're friends, family, a local business wanting to extend your knowledge of the digital sector or you just want to get an insight into the industry, come along to this event. Our showcase can offer you a refreshing and exciting look into what we, as multimedia students, love to do.

We aspire to be a part of this ever advancing and fast paced industry and want to share our passion with you. So come and experience an evening dedicated to giving you an insight into our bright futures.